Tom, it was a fabulous tour. I hope it was worth the physical and emotional price for you. You deserve some time to rest and recuperate….but keep up with the memoir ( perhaps there’s some software so you could dictate your words and not have to type?) as we’re loving reading your perspective on touring, the industry, the decline of the world around us, sinking ships, bad dreams, good books….Know that you bring us joy with every lyric, every note. If you do it all again next week, you can bet we’ll be there

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I love your rambles. I just want to say (hopefully you will read this) your tour was amazing. I saw you in Liverpool. You have been the soundtrack to my melancholic life for 20 odd years (I'm also getting old now I'm 40) & of all the live acts I'd seen in the past month or so, some big names some small, you smashed them all to pieces for me. You made me feel stuff, reminisce a life once lived, a current life and a life lost all in one night. So many emotions. That's a rare thing for a live act to do. Most I live their music, their shows etc but none touch emotionally like you do & have that much of an impact. So thanks, it's special what you do, it's why I still listen to all of your music constantly. It's been part of so many periods of my life. But now I'm rambling... I do wonder sometimes if some of your own music triggers your own past life memories, as music always does...? You may not have become as big as Ed Sheeran or whoever you mentioned, but I always think it's like friends... Best have a small super close loyal bunch who know you well than have loads of acquaintances who will discard you just as quick. Please do more touring in the UK one day... You made a new fan in that gig by the way, so one more Scouser in your fan base! 😅 Take care Tom!

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Hi Tom. So glad you are writing a book. Always thought you should and that you have what it takes, something to say and a different way to say it. Saw you in Oxford on this tour - the Jericho Tavern, where you have to fight through the crowd to reach the stage and pray they let you off again at the end. Really appreciate the effort you put in to deliver time and time again. Enjoy being stationary for a while, all the best, and - as ever - thank you.

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The only thing left to ask is... How are you today?

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I was lucky enough to get to the Edinburgh and Newcastle shows over 2 months ago now but the magic of both evenings has stayed with me, I left with a warm glow and a full heart. My folks are both in their 90th year so getting older and the passage of time is much on my mind too - your beautiful words bring us all joy and the knowledge that we are in this together. It was an incredible tour, hope you get a chance to rest up now - sending much love from Northumberland xx

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I love the fact that we get to share your journey and it obviously isn't taken lightly or for granted by you. Reading this again now I realise how much of a sacrifice it truly is. I guess I've always known but it's good to be reminded with a warts'n'all insight, right? You've always been masterful with the pen so I think a chronicle would be a wonderful idea. I've always had a thought for a plot of a humourous 'rock and roll' type novel and you could be a great co-writer as it (eventually...or possibly never) will be littered with sardonic wit. Anyway, sending good vibes, much love and congratulations on a wonderful tour, feet up now brother and rest a while but not too far from the piano or guitar in case inspiration is lurking within a coffee cup. See you in April and we'll do it all again, Des x

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Hey Des… is my room ready yet?

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This make me laugh heartily....almost ready. We are painting and decorating as I write!

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